When you get behind the wheel of your car, you often do not think about the possibility that you may get into an accident while driving. However, anytime you are in a motor vehicle, this is always a slight possibility. In order to be sure that you handle the situation appropriately if you are in a car accident, get to know a few of the steps that you should take in the aftermath of a car accident. Then, you will be able to take the right steps to protect yourself and your interests during a stressful and difficult time.
Do Not Say You Are Sorry
Anything you say immediately after a car accident can be used against you in a court case or police report. So, the last thing that you want to do is make any kind of statement that even gives the impression of admitting fault for the accident.
Even a basic apology can be considered this admission of guilt. As such, you can talk to the other person in the accident and exchange names and information and you can even ask if they are okay or need medical attention. But be very careful of what you say and be sure that you pay close attention to anything that they say to you as well.
Record Interactions If Necessary
Taking audio of the conversations you have with the other party in the car accident or even with the police can help to ensure you have a clear record of what happened in the immediate aftermath of the accident. Keep in mind that depending on the state in which you live, it may be necessary for all parties involved to know a device is recording in order for the file itself to be admissible in court. On the other hand, some states require only one party in the conversation to be aware.
However, regardless of whether or not it is admissible in court, having a recording can help you to remember what happened and can help you and your car accident lawyer to develop a case if the situation escalates to a court case. You can also take photos of your vehicle and the other vehicle in the accident (much like the police officers on scene will likely do) in order to establish vehicle positioning and further develop and build your case.
With these basic tips in mind, you will be able to better handle yourself in the immediate aftermath of a car accident. Remember that your first priority should be your safety and your health, so if you are injured, do not worry about recording conversations or what the other party in the accident says. Just get the medical help and attention you need and worry about the rest when you and everyone else is safe. However, if the situation allows it, these tips will help you to protect yourself in the moments following your car accident.