When you get behind the wheel of your car, you often do not think about the possibility that you may get into an accident while driving. However, anytime you are in a motor vehicle, this is always a slight possibility. In order to be sure that you handle the situation appropriately if you are in a car accident, get to know a few of the steps that you should take in the aftermath of a car accident.
Workers compensation fraud occurs when employees make a frivolous or dishonest claim regarding an injury they experienced on the job.
It's possible that employees can receive workers compensation benefits for which they should not really be eligible if they manage to persuade a judge that they should be covered for injuries. According to statistics reported by Detective Paul Colbert of Meridian Investigative Group, workers compensation fraud costs a typical consumer $900 each year due to higher costs for insurance, health care, and consumer goods.
If you owe a lot of money on your credit cards, Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help you wipe these out. This is a common reason people file for bankruptcy; however, there are certain debts that cannot be included in a Chapter 7 case. Depending on your situation, filing for bankruptcy might still be a good idea, but you may need to seek help to find a way to get caught up on the debts that will still remain after you file.
If you have recently been involved or are thought to be responsible for an accident or error that is believed to have resulted in injury to one or more persons, it is important to speak with your insurance law attorney about any possible liability and resulting litigation. Assuming that the evidence suggests you were at fault, it then becomes necessary to transfer that liability to the insurance company responsible for determining appropriate reparations through a process known as indemnification.
When you marry, you make the decision to intermingle virtually every facet of your life with another person. If the marriage doesn't work out, it can take quite a bit of work to disentangle you from the web of the individual that you thought you'd spend forever with. That's why it's so important to have a competent divorce lawyer on your side during a dissolution. Use this information to learn more about why you need to hire an attorney when you're going through a divorce.