Were you recently injured, leaving you unable to work? Do you have bills piling up because the insurance companies are refusing to help you? The time following an accident can be extremely stressful. Not only do you have to focus on recovering and getting better, you also have to try to deal with the mountains of bills and paperwork that are a direct result of the incident. When you're trying to heal, dealing with red tape is probably extremely low on your list of things to do in life. Fortunately, there is a solution, Hiring a lawyer can enable you to get the help you need while still being able to focus on your health. Some things you may not realize about hiring a lawyer include:
Stop bill collectors: Although it won't work with all bill collectors, having a personal injury lawyer is one way to temporarily stop attempts at collections. Many people lie to bill collectors about being unable to pay, resulting in them not believing people who have a legitimate reason to not be paying their bills. You can request that your personal injury lawyer talk to your creditors and let them know that you'd like to pay but that you're in the middle of a lawsuit at the moment and that you're expecting a settlement soon. Although you'll still have to pay the money you owe, this may at least stop the calls for a few weeks or months.
Larger settlement: It's all too easy to look at your current bills and assume that's all you're owed for your injury. However, a personal injury lawyer will be able to help you to figure out the true cost of what happened. If the doctors aren't sure if or when you'll be 100% recovered, your attorney will work with you to decide upon a reasonable sum to cover both your current and ongoing medical expenses.
Faster settlement: Because a personal injury lawyer does nothing but handle accident and injury cases all day, every day, he or she should know the right things to say and the right numbers to call to expedite a viable settlement offer from the insurance company. It may not help in every single case, but having an attorney on your side is more likely to get you a speedy settlement offer than if you continue to attempt to work with the insurance company entirely on your own.
Contact a firm, like Walsh Fewkes Sterba, for more help.