Even if you don't have enough money to pay for rent, there are ways that you might be able to stop an eviction. This can buy time until you can come up with a plan to pay off your rent and avoid an eviction on your record with the help of an eviction attorney.
Pay a Portion of the Rent
If you fall behind on rent, you can be evicted even if you only owe a small amount of money. Whether or not the landlord chooses to evict over a small amount is his or her right, but you will always be at risk when you have a balance due.
Depending on the state you live in, if you pay your landlord a portion of your rent, he or she will have to stop eviction proceedings. Even in states where there are no such protections, the landlord will likely stop eviction proceedings for a third of the month if you pay one-third of your rent.
Ask for an Extension
Landlords do not want to evict most tenants unless they have had consistent problems with them. They would rather the tenant remain in the rental unit and pay rent. If you are having a temporary problem that will be resolved soon, many landlords will be willing to wait for rent.
Sign a Temporary Lease
If you are being evicted because your lease has expired, you may want to sign a temporary lease so you can determine if there are any disagreements you have with the landlord that can be worked out. The lease allows you to enter a temporary agreement.
Withhold Rent Due to an Unfixed Utility
A common reason for withholding rent, which a tenant has the right to do, is that the apartment is in a terrible condition. However, you will need to withhold rent in the proper way. You must clearly tell the landlord that you will refuse to pay rent until a particular problem has been resolved.
You cannot fail to pay rent and then later claim that you failed to pay because of the poor condition of the apartment. If the landlord makes the necessary repairs, you'll need to pay your rent. Also, you could use your rent to pay for the repairs as long as the repairs are performed properly. Then, you must pay whatever is leftover.
Handling an eviction can be a scary and stressful time. If you aren't sure how to stop an eviction, make sure to contact an attorney. There might be several other options available to you.
To learn more, contact an eviction attorney.