3 Don'ts When Negotiating Your Accident Claim

Being injured in an accident is one thing, but trying to remember what you should or shouldn't be doing is another. After all, you have a lot going on right now and you are just trying to get through the case as quickly as you can. You want to make sure you get the settlement amount you deserve. If you are in the process of negotiating your claim, here are three things you don't want to do.

Why You May Be Reluctant To Litigate Your Accident Case

When you receive the last settlement offer during personal injury negotiations, you have to decide whether to take it or go to court. When faced with such an offer, some people automatically take the offer without considering its merits and demerits. Here are three common reasons this happens: Fear of Reliving the Injury An injury may be so traumatizing that you want to do everything in your power to forget it.

Under Investigation For Unemployment Fraud? This Is What You Should Know

Unemployment fraud is a political hot button these days. Unfortunately, an innocent person can get catapulted into the middle of a fraud investigation all too easily. If it happens to you, this is what you want to know: Innocent people get caught up in the aggressive search for real abuse. The reason that unemployment fraud is constantly in the news is because it does happen. In 2011 alone, for example, an estimated $14 billion in unemployment benefits were paid out to people who weren't really looking for a job, had quit voluntarily, were sitting in prison, or kept collecting benefits even though they were working again.